Often, erectile discharges in men come in the form of a liquid (in limited quantity), which can be of different color and consistency. The discharge comes from the urethra or preputial gland and is normal if the amount, color, and smell don't make you think otherwise.
If the secretion has an atypical appearance, then you should think about your state of health and contact a specialist, as this can be the first symptom of a serious illness.
Secretion during erection in men, which indicates normal state of health
A common indicator to assess the health of the genitourinary system is the physiological discharge from the urethra:
- urethrorrhea- during an erection a transparent secret is produced, which contains a small number of germ cells;
- smegma- produced by the sebaceous glands under the skin of the glans penis (washed out during hygienic procedures).
Pathological secretion
The appearance of secretion, which can not be attributed to normal and physiological, indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. They can be caused by both infectious and non-infectious causes.
The main types of infectious diseases, due to which pathological secretion occurs, are:
- chlamydia; candidiasis
- ;
- gonorrhea;
- genital herpes;
- trichomoniasis;
- ureaplasmosis;
- mycoplasmosis.
Non-infectious factors can also cause such secretion, namely:
- damage to the urethra due to mechanical stress;
- allergic reactions;
- take medication or other chemicals;
- Narrowing of the urethral lumen.
Typology of discharge during erection in men
All erection dumps in men can be different color and transparency. Already according to these indicators, one can draw the first conclusions about the presence of unusual processes for a healthy body, namely:
- cloudy - directly indicates the presence in the body of an impressive amount of pathogenic microorganisms;
- gray with a thick consistency - indicates the presence of dead epithelial tissue;
- green or yellow - is a direct indicator of the presence of inflammatory processes and purulent discharge (in analyzes there will be an increase in the level of leukocytes);
- interspersed with blood or blood clots.
Examination and treatment of atypical losses during erection
If atypical secretion is detected during an erection, it is necessary to contact a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination to confirm or exclude the presence of certain diseases.
The initial inspection includes:
- visual inspection of the penis;
- palpation and examination of the lymph nodes in the groin;
- collects secretions from the prostate for later laboratory examination.
Based on the laboratory data and the initial examination, a preliminary diagnosis can be made. If these data prove to be insufficient, the following operations are also carried out:
- TANK-seeding;
- complete blood count;
- general urinalysis;
- Ultrasound of pelvic organs and prostate;
- tomography
Based on the results of the examination, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.